You will now be judged by the three Judges of Olympus. Before you get sentenced, save first. Now you will see a glowing platform that you can step to. Ignore that for now, and head south to do your trials.

Trial #1

Eliminate the Arms first. Failure to do so will turn the mindless souls into an Olympian Sentry.

Trial #2

Kill the Minotaur and the Olympian Sentry. The best way to conquer this trial is to do a Battering Ram attack.

Trial #3

Gorgon Head will be on the first wave along with the sentries. The second wave will be two Minotaurs. Remember that by finishing the Minotaur via QTE, you will get a green orb.

Once you are done with your trials, head back to the circle platform where you can step on. There, a scene will occur opening a gate for you. Before proceeding to the next area, make sure you get the two chests before the portal.

You are now on the second floor. Go through your right and face the Minotaur. Get the chest and take note of the flammable torch stand in a tunnel. Use the flame arrows of the Bow of Apollo to make it explode.

Proceed and get the chest. Hop to the other platform and get a scene with a little girl in a blue flame. Once done, use the zip line to hang and go to the next area.

Keep pacing yourself down and meet the two sentries that fire out the blue flame. Dodge those flames that the sentries throw at you. There is a flammable torch stand in the bridge where the sentries will talk into. Get it to explode before the sentry reaches you.

In the next area you’re at, we’re going to some puzzles. Before proceeding, get the green chest to your right. Now look at the flammable rubble in front of you. Use the Bow of Apollo to light it up. With its flame and smoke in the air, use Icarus’ Wing to fly to the second floor.

See the lever to your right? Approach it and two sentries will arrive. Kill them and pull the lever. You will now see a platform from the third floor coming down. As soon as it drops, immediately double jump.

Replenish your health meter by opening the green chest. To advance, get the flammable rubble stand to your left. Bring it halfway through the third floor and three sentries will arrive. Kill them before the rubble is destroyed. Once done, go back to second floor and pull the lever again to raise the moving platform. Get the flammable rubble stand and go to the second floor with it.

Now with the rubble on the second floor, what you need to do is the drop that thing to the fire where you used to fly up. Thanks to that added fire, you can fly up even higher. Grab the ledge that you can hang onto.

Go up to the platform you just pulled down. Open the door and you will unlock a Trophy called, “Mr. Hand”. Get those hands grabbing you out of the way and grab the two chests. One should contain a Phoenix Feather.

Go back to the platform you just raised. Fly up even higher to reach the top. Make your way up to the balcony but don’t forget to open the chests.

Here on, you will fight two statues with hammers and a bunch of sentries. Take out the sentries first if you can. Dodge the Statues with hammer by rolling. Once done, proceed and go down to the lower area and you will now be in the Forge.

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