Max Payne 3 Guide – Golden Gun Locations

Chapter 5

Golden Micro 9MM (1/3)

Progress past the second hangar and locate the stack of brown crates to the right next to the shipping containers. Climb up onto the shipping containers with the aid of the crates. In the middle of the containers you will find Golden Gun Micro Part 1/3.

Golden Micro 9MM (2/3)

After leaving the hangar where Fabiana was tortured, continue straight and then turn right facing the gate. Where the fence and mutli-colored building meet is Golden Gun Micro 9MM Part 2/3.

Golden Micro 9MM (3/3)

Be sure to check the upper platform in the area where Fabiana was dragged out. At the end of the platform is Golden Gun Micro 9MM Part 3/3.

Golden LMG .30 (1/3)

Exit the area where Fabiana was dragged out and progress to the next building. To the left and outside are two shipping containers. Golden Gun LMG .30 Part 1/3 is on the open container on the right.

Golden LMG .30 (2/3)

After clearing the dock area and passing a gate, head toward the wooden structure straight ahead with bundled barrels in front. Inside is Golden Gun LMG .30 Part 2/3.

Golden LMG .30 (3/3)

Activate the walkways using the button found right after the previous golden gun piece. Head down the docks until you see a small building. It is not accessible from the side you are currently on. Continue around the docks and loop back around to the other side of the building to find Golden Gun LMG .30 Part 3/3 on the ground.

Chapter 6

Golden MD-97L (1/3)

After Max runs through the double doors and you gain control of him, clear out the first room of enemies. You’ll know when you’ve killed all of the paramilitary enemies once another cutscene plays. Once it’s over and before heading to the next area, take a look at the first office on the left after the door you entered the are through. Golden MD-97L Part 1/3 will be on the floor behind the desk.

Golden MD-97L (2/3)

The person being escorted by Max will reactivate the security systems and a cutscene will play shortly after. Once Max and Mr. Bronco are done talking, make a 180 and head toward the wooden panels in front of the waterfall. Golden Gun MD-97L Part 2/3 can be found in the center.

Golden MD-97L (3/3)

Exit the hallway and watch the cutscene involving the dead secretary. A jeep will come crashing through the glass doors and then a van will pull up carrying even more enemies. On the right side of the room, close to the secretary’s desk, is a glass case with a model inside. Break it open and grab Golden Gun MD-97L Part 3/3. It’s in an easy spot to access, but for those of you playing on the higher difficulties, wait until all enemies are dead and pick it up before entering the elevator.

Chapter 7

Golden Sawn-Off (1/3)

After talking with Da Silve in the O Palacio Bar, take out the armed thugs and continue past the pool tables. Before turning left to head down the hall, continue straight into the bathroom. Pick up the Golden Gun Sawn-Off Part 1/3 that is sitting in front of a toilet in the middle stall.

Golden Sawn-Off (2/3)

Max will enter a hangar and perform a scripted cinematic event. He will then have to make his way back down to the bottom floor. You’ll enter a small room with a Mini 30 Rifle with a red dot scope. Immediately after exiting this room, turn left. Golden Gun Sawn-Off Part 2/3 will be on the floor.

Golden SPAS-15 (1/3)

Make your way to the opposite side of the hanger where the enemies on the second level were firing at you. Right after heading up the stairs, check behind the wooden pallet and drum barrels that are placed on the left side of the room to find Golden Gun SPAS-15 Part 1/3.

Golden SPAS-15 (2/3)

Leave the hangar, head through a train cart and walk up to the gate. A cutscene will play. Once it has finished, walk up to the wrecked car, turn right and check behind the rusted stack of metal to find Golden Gun SPAS-15 Part 2/3.

Golden SPAS-15 (3/3)

Continue through the level until a masked enemy sets off a flare. Jump off the right side through the broken section of the wall. Turn around and look against the wall you just dropped down from to find Golden Gun SPAS-15 Part 3/3.

Golden Sawn-Off (3/3)

A fight will break out in a courtyard and Max will have to defend himself against a bunch of enemies standing on rooftops (one throws molotovs). After clearing out the courtyard, check the area to the left of the stairs before going up them. Golden Gun Sawn-Off Part 3/3 is in front of an iron gate that does not open.

Chapter 8

Golden Auto 9MM (1/3)

After reuniting with Passos in the graveyard, the two guys will have to take care of the armed men on the stairs. Once they’ve been dealt with, head right (do not go up the stairs). There are two crypts with two tombstones to the right of the stairs. In front of the crypt with the pillars, you can find Golden Gun Auto 9MM Part 1/3.

Golden 608 Bull (1/3)

Keep taking down enemies until Passos has you follow him through an iron gate. After taking out the enemies near the cars, head back up the path that leads to the iron gate you came through. You will see a stone obelisk structure surrounded by a circular stone wall. Behind it is Golden Gun 608 Bull Part 1/3.

Golden Auto 9MM (2/3)

Once the enemies near the cars have been taken care of, a single enemy will open up a gate and come out. Kill him and walk through the gates. Immediately head right alongside the corridor filled with urns. At the very end, Golden Gun Auto 9MM Part 2/3 will be sitting on a stand in place of an urn.

Golden 608 Bull (2/3)

Max will enter an area where Passos is being held at gunpoint. After saving him and wiping out the rest of the enemies, head to the circular area surrounded by pillars in the center of the area. On the ground is Golden Gun 608 Bull Part 2/3.

Golden Auto 9MM (3/3)

Passos and Max will be captured and then break free while digging a grave. Head down the stairs and follow the path into an area with a handful of guys. Take a left inside the building with stacks of stone and bags outside. Look for a small room inside on the right with a sink. Golden Gun Auto 9MM Part 3/3 is here on the floor.

Golden 608 Bull (3/3)

When Passos and Max enter the church they will immediately take cover after the cutscene. Look to Max’s right at the pulpit (where the priest stands) to find Golden Gun 608 Bull Part 3/3.