EverQuest Adopts Free To Play Model

After thirteen long years, EverQuest has given up the ghost and will falling in line with many other MMO’s that have already conformed, by adopting free to play options. When the game’s sequel, EverQuest II, went free to play in early December, it experienced a 300 percent increase in new players.

However, the aforementioned options that the infamous MMO, lovingly referred to as EverCrack by gamers everywhere, do not seem very beneficial. The options include a tiered system of subscription; gamers can choose one of three subscriptions: free, silver, and gold. Free is, well free, Silver is a one time fee of $5, and Gold is a $15 monthly subscription.

Free, and silver members only have access to 4 of the sixteen races and classes, cannot form their own guilds (Silver members can create guilds), are unable to send in-game emails, and do not have the full functionality of the in-game chat system. Additionally, restrictions are placed on the amount of platinum (the game’s currency) you can attain per level, prestige items, even the quest log has restrictions.

While I do appreciate the ability to now return to vices of yesteryear without the worry of having to actually pay for the game, it does worry me that so many restrictions are placed on the game in hopes that new users will want to pony up the $15 per month to have these restrictions lifted.