Gears Of War 3 Easter Egg, Chicken With Shotguns, No Joke

We gamers don’t let anything slip by us.

A new easter egg has been discovered in Gears of War 3 which is, and this deserves to be recounted as literally as possible, an arcade cabinet that allows you to play as a chicken strapped with two sawed off shotguns.

Not a metaphorical chicken, like a soldier screaming because he has two automatics strapped to him, but a literal chicken. The kind that lay eggs and you expect McNuggets to taste like.

The arcade cabinet only appears in Act 4 if you’re playing on Insane mode. The game makes you earn it without remorse.

And satisfyingly enough, you get to kick the arcade cabinet into working. Fantastic. And you’re not asked to leave the arcade in the middle of your game with a bunch of quarters now only good for laundry.

Set dressing is a beautiful thing.