Adventure Time May Be A Video Game One Day

When speaking with Game Informer Recently, Adventure Time’s creator Pendleton Ward stated that he’d love to see Adventure Time made into a game.

While speaking about the cartoon’s upcoming season, Ward revealed his love for video games and even went as far as to say “I think games are amazing for telling stories. I don’t think that people do that very often. I think story isn’t always the most important thing to game designers, but I wish it were. I think that the best games have stories, and when I eventually make games, story will be front and center.”

After some follow-up questions, he continued to say the following: “I’d be stoked to work on an Adventure Time video game. I think that might happen eventually if the show stays popular. I vow to make a topnotch game. If it was a small budget I’d work to make a sidescroller, but if we had the largest budget in the world I’d love to make something like Oblivion, but set in the Adventure Time universe where it’s a giant free-roaming world. It might be fun to make it have Monster Hunter style gameplay with Katamari graphics.”

There have been cartoon-to-video game conversions before, but unfortunately they have not fared so well. I’m sure there aren’t many who remember (or wish to remember) the Family Guy and Futurama entries on last-gen consoles.

However, with Ward being a hardcore gamer like all of us and his dedication to his cartoon, there is a chance that Adventure Time could very well break the mold and provide gamers with a fun and engaging interpretation of the series’ characters and atmosphere. Only time will tell.

What are your thoughts on an Adventure Time video game?