inFamous 2 Gets “Quest For Power” Trailer

Sucker Punch is giving players a look at some of the new powers in this flashy and action-packed trailer.

The trailer shows off the different ice and fire powers that Cole will get to play around with depending on his decisions/karma. They range from launching forward engulfed in a flame to barrel through his enemies to throwing up a massive ice barrier to freeze enemies.

Take a look.

For those of you who can’t wait to play the game, Sony will be sending out emails come April 12th to selected Playstation Plus members to try out the inFamous 2 User Generated Content Beta. This will give a lucky few the opportunity to play around with the mission maker tools.

Here’s Sony’s official statement:

Emails, containing voucher codes to download the beta from the Store will be sent to selected PS Plus users on 12th April and again on 19th. Users have been selected based on a few criteria including what inFamous trophies they achieved in the original game. Please remember that not all of you will be able to access the beta at this time, though we will try and open it up as wide as possible – as soon as possible

Be sure to leave a comment if you get picked or tell us what you expect from the beta.